The time has come - Agility Checker is here! Discover your agility potential with our innovative quiz and unveil your personalized profile!

Johannes Hochrainer

Trainer, Consultant & Coach

Johannes is a self-employed software architect, consultant and trainer with a focus on analyzing and improving existing systems. After studying computer science in Linz, Johannes worked as a consultant for 13 years and finally became self-employed in 2020. He is an active member of iSAQB and works at the "Expert Level". Johannes is an enthusiastic software architect who spends half of his time actively working on projects and therefore brings plenty of practical experience to the training courses.

Johannes Hochrainer

Johannes is a self-employed software architect, consultant and trainer with a focus on analyzing and improving existing systems. After studying computer science in Linz, Johannes worked as a consultant for 13 years and finally became self-employed in 2020. He is an active member of iSAQB and works at the "Expert Level". Johannes is an enthusiastic software architect who spends half of his time actively working on projects and therefore brings plenty of practical experience to the training courses.